Project Gallery 2023
Secondary students from across Europe became exoplanet detectives with ESA and used Cheops satellite data to uncover the mysteries of two exoplanet targets: KELT-3b and TOI-560c.
Explore the projects below.
Centro Educativo Cristiano “SHALOM” El Alto – Urbana Bolivia 15 years old 1 / 1
KELT-3b project description:
The exoplanet KELT-3b is also called Hot Jupiter, it has a radius of 17.5, which is why it is larger, its mass is 617 or 3.685 x 10 raised to 30 g, its orbital period is 2.70339 days, its orbital distance is of 0.048, it has a density of 0.63, this exoplanet is swollen and gaseous since it is very close to its star, so humans could not get to live there, since it must be very, very hot
Supporting files:
TOI-560c project description:
This project has the purpose of presenting the exoplanet TOI-560c, with all its characteristics that we learned to calculate in this hackathon, I will also say if this exoplanet can be inhabited or not with the data and formulas that they gave us.
TOI-560c Results and Analysis
First we obtained the data, then I entered the allesfitter page and analyzed its transition curve, then calculated the size of the exoplanet, which is 2.725, and so on we analyzed the other data
TOI-560c Conclusions
At the end we obtained the data and we saw that the planet TOI-560c is hot, but not as hot as KELT-3b.