Project Gallery 2023
Secondary students from across Europe became exoplanet detectives with ESA and used Cheops satellite data to uncover the mysteries of two exoplanet targets: KELT-3b and TOI-560c.
Explore the projects below.
Heroes del Boqueron Cochabamba – Cercado Bolivia 15 years old 3 / 1
KELT-3b project description:
Of Kelt-3b, we calculate the radius of the planet, The distance to the star and his mean density, we determine the imposibility of life in Kelt-3b because is to close to his star, also we find that Kelt 3b has a density similar to Saturn so is a jovian planet.
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TOI-560c project description:
About TOI-560c we calculate his radius finding that is approx 3 times bigger that the Earth, also we calculate his distance to the star, we determined the imposibility of the planet because is to close to his star, calculating his mean density we discovered that the density is similar to Mars , so is a terrestial planet.
TOI-560c Results and Analysis
In the results we find:
Radius of the planet: TOI-560c is approx 3 times bigger that earth, making the calculations with the deep of the transit (R=3.19 R_T)
Using the third Keplers Law we determined the distance to the star (d=0.125 ua) findind that is really close to his star (more than Mercury distance to Sun)
TOI-560c is too much close to his star so is really far to habitable zone
Calculating the mean density we find that the density is 3.954 g/cm^3 what means that TOI-560c is similar to mars, being a Terrestrial Planet.
TOI-560c Conclusions
we Conclude that TOI-560c is bigger than Earth, or all the terrestrial planets of the Solar system, is more close to his star that Mercury to Sun, his basically imposible the existence of life and is a terrestrial planet (similar to Mars)
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