Step 5 – Composition

In our Solar System, planets are usually divided into two categories: rocky and gaseous. However, exoplanets can be very different from the neighbouring planets we are used to. The mass, M, of an exoplanet cannot be determined from the transit method, but other methods like radial velocity can. When both the mass and radius of a […]

Step 4 – Temperature and Habitability

Step 4 – Temperature and Habitability To this day, Earth is the only place in the universe that is known to host life. It is also unknown if life could develop and exist in conditions very dissimilar to the ones that exist on our planet. When examining exoplanets and defining the possible conditions for habitability, […]

Step 3 – Orbital Period and Distance

Step 3 – Orbital Period and Distance The orbital period, T, of a planet is the time it takes the planet to complete one full orbit around its star. If multiple transits of the same exoplanet are observed, then the time interval between consecutive transits – detected dips in the light curve – is a […]

Step 2 – The Size of the Exoplanet

The depth of the exoplanet transit is equivalent to the ratio of the area of the planet’s disc and the area of the star’s disc. By measuring the transit’s depth from the transit light curve and knowing the stellar radius (Rs) you can determine the exoplanet’s radius (Rp). You can calculate the transit depth as […]

Step 1 – Access the data

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To complete your casefile and profile mysterious exoplanets you need to select your target and access the Cheops satellite data. If this is the first exoplanet you analyse we suggest you start with KELT-3b. Astronomers use specific software tools to analyse the data and fit mathematical models. Access the data using one of the two options […]

Intro – Start your Investigation

Hackathon case file and student activities

Download the Educator Guide and the Casefiles  Brief description: In this activity, students will characterise mysterious exoplanets by analysing data acquired by ESA’s Cheops satellite. Students will work as real scientists and fit a model to the data to retrieve the best fit parameters. The activity can be completed using a guided format or in […]