Project Gallery 2023
Secondary students from across Europe became exoplanet detectives with ESA and used Cheops satellite data to uncover the mysteries of two exoplanet targets: KELT-3b and TOI-560c.
Explore the projects below.
Keyda Samira Calizaya Chambi
Santa María Eufrasia Sucre – Bolivia Bolivia 17 years old 1 / 1
KELT-3b project description:
The exoplanet KELT-3b, according to the data analysis. According to the information already given and in the discovery, it is known that this exoplanet is categorized as gaseous and its high temperature does not make it a habitable place for living beings
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TOI-560c project description:
The elaboration of the project was based more on the fact of compiling data already provided, according to it to give a report of the results, in addition to making a specific evidence of how the result was reached.
TOI-560c Results and Analysis
First we accessed allesfitter, to access data that specified part of what we would need later. The results of the light curves provided us with data in the form of diagrams, histograms and tables.
With this step done, we analyzed the size through the transit depth formula, the results of the light curves table provided us with the necessary data, which are specified in the PDF document.
The orbital period and distance, allows us to know the time it takes to complete a full orbit around the sun, applying the third law of Kepler, clearing what is the distance and look for it in astronomical units.
The temperature and habitability of the exoplanet makes us define with the data already given that it belongs to a place warmer than the earth, making it a non-habitable planet, the climate would not favor living beings.
The composition. was found according to the density of the exoplanet, according to data collected earlier makes us classify it as a rocky planet.
TOI-560c Conclusions
The exoplanet Toi-560c, we came to the conclusion that the exoplanet is not habitable, it has a high temperature, its density resembles rocky planets, its size is smaller than gas giants, giving representation to its name mini-neptune.
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